Computing the Telecom Network.

GNP Computers has two interwoven core businesses that support the mission of computing the telecom network.  The first business creates Telecom-Specific Computing Products that enable telecommunications service providers and equipment manufacturers to bring their products and services to market.  The second business provides complex OEM Manufacturing Services for Rapid Product Realization.

Our Company is built on the foundations of world-class engineering and an unending dedication to our customers' success.  GNP Computers is an ISO-9001 certified company.

Visit the What's New section for our latest product developments and news, and please stop by our Website to take some Time Out! from the daily grind.

Think you would like to join our team?  Take a look at our Career Opportunities on the Web!

Take a look at the GNP in the Press section of our Website to see recent press releases from GNP and articles written about us!

As part of our Website, we've put together a list of online resources, what we consider our Tools, to put technology to work for you.  We've also compiled a Library of everything written by or about us for your online perusal.  A smaller version of this library is here on this Sunsoft Catalyst CDsite.

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Graphic Design by MôD Design & Packaging.